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Milford Hills Hunt Club

Milford Hills Hunt Club

W5670 French Road
Johnson Creek, WI 53038

Contact Info:
Phone: (920) 699-2249


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Established in 1996, Milford Hills is a membership driven upland hunt club rich in history and tradition. The Club will be your new home away from home. Settled on nearly 500 acres of habitat, the club offers 13 distinctive hunting fields, 30-40 acres in size. Corn, Sorghum, and Switchgrass provide a natural habitat for all hunters to enjoy. With our natural landscapes, and rolling hills, Milford Hills is the pinnacle for upland hunting. Your guests will have the pleasure to hunt locally, professionally raised, fully plumaged, long tail feathered ringneck pheasant, along with chukar partridge and quail. Our cover and field habitat are unparalleled. Upland bird hunting at Milford Hills is equivalent and characteristically comparative to hunting upland game in the wild. To accommodate your needs, Milford Hills sources guides to assist you throughout your hunt. Our guides come with experience of the fields, and dogs that are ready to hunt! Before your hunt, you can request a pointer or flusher guide, and we will schedule a guide of your choosing. A guided hunt is a great way to enjoy Milford Hills! Based off of your personal requests, our trained staff will release your birds into your assigned field, which you can schedule through our own, unique, online scheduling system. All members are welcome to harvest as many birds as flushed, without any additional charges. With cut and plowed walking paths, our fields welcome hunters of all ages. If you are a member at Milford Hills, each hunt will be an experience to remember. After the hunt, dont forget to use our Dog Wash Room to keep your dog and vehicle clean after the hunt. Once your day is completed, visit our Trading Post to collect your harvested birds from the day. At Milford Hills we always clean your birds fresh for you to take home after a great day of hunting.