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Shelter Creek Plantation

Shelter Creek Plantation
John Jay Burney III
11944 Shaw Hwy
Burgaw, NC 28485

Contact Info:
Phone: (910) 791-7778


Shelter Creek Plantation Facebook


In 2005, Jay Burney diked in 10 acres of land for corn in order to build a duck impoundment. He continued to plant it with corn, and now around the first of September, he floods the entire impoundment with water pulled from the Holly Shelter Creek. The impoundment holds five million gallons of water. From the first year, the impoundment produced excellent wild duck hunting. Wood ducks, Mallards, Black ducks, Teal, Widgeon, Gadwalls, and Ring necks all poured into the flooded impoundment by the hundreds. It has been estimated at the peak of duck season every year to be several thousand ducks feeding in the flooded corn.