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Tule Creek Outfitters

Tule Creek Outfitters
Dan Swinburn
1335 County Road 16
Tulia, TX 79088

Contact Info:
Phone: (806) 441-4868


Tule Creek Outfitters Facebook


Waterfowl hunting in the Texas Panhandle can be as good as it gets. Although it is a very unpredictable hunt, it is often a very rewarding time with unforgettable memories. The majority of the waterfowl we hunt depend on playa lake bottoms to feed, roost, or both. Playa lakes of the High Plains are temporary wetlands that play a crucial role in the migration of up to 2 million waterfowl each year. Playas are very wide-ranging, and all vary from one to another. Most are relatively shallow, but cover and vegetation are diverse.