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Maxxed Out Guides

Maxxed Out Guides
Graham Greseth
3615 Lake Rd
Dawson, MN 56232

Contact Info:
Phone: (651) 335-0780


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When looking for a great guided goose hunt it just doesn’t get any better than the state of Minnesota. Year in and year out more geese are killed in the state of MN than any other state. There are two large contributors to this. Minnesota goose hunting guides First the state has a large resident goose population due to an abundance of crop land and water. This has led to a boom in the breeding population of Canada geese in the state. While this may not sit well with golf course superintendents this creates a great opportunity for goose hunters in September and October. Second the state is located in the heart of the Mississippi flyway, one of the largest flyways in the US. Every year hundreds of thousands of geese and ducks migrate through the state of Minnesota.