Illinois Waterfowl Hunting
Directory of 12 Illinois Waterfowl hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Illinois.

Years of research have allowed us to create our own flyway! Young mallards are released onto our large water system and are allowed to live “free range.” As these birds develop they learn to fly and feed like wild birds. However, through proper management, these ducks are kept in the confines of our nearly 1,000 acre preserve. Our system allows us to fill up to 5 blinds (4 hunters maximum per blind) at a time, so large parties are welcome.
Learn more about Green Acres Sportsman's Club

We provide over twenty pits and blinds located in flooded corn, bean, and millet fields. Optionally, you may choose to hunt the Mississippi River. We like to take groups of 2-4 hunters. Pits and blinds are heated. Guests are driven to within a short walking distance of pits, shortly before legal shooting hours. Pits are accessible from dry land. Our professional guide will have decoys set and dog in place in anticipation of the morning's excitement. The only Illinois Orvis-Endorsed wingshooting lodge.
Learn more about Harpole's Heartland Lodge

Keck's Marsh was established as a 155-acre duck hunting club in 1984. Since then, the operation has grown to over 1,500 acres of flooded farmland and timber that provides the best hunting throughout the midwest. During the past 11 seasons, members at Keck's Marsh have averaged 4 ducks per day. Providing the very best waterfowl hunting is our main goal at Keck's Marsh. We have an abundant amount of food for waterfowl. We plant corn, soybeans, wheat, buckwheat and various types of millet on our property. As the season nears, we flood acres upon acres of standing corn so there is never a shortage of food. Pressure on the waterfowl is kept to a minimum by exercising superior management and giving the birds a sufficient refuge area. There is only one reason why you wouldn't find ducks and geese at Keck's Marsh and that is Mother Nature.
Learn more about Keck's Marsh

Whether it's goose hunting, duck hunting, or waterfowl hunting in general, this is the place to be. If your looking to hunt the Mississipi Flyway look no farther. Come hunt where the birds are! The club is ideally situated adjacent to the Braidwood/Mazonia State Refuge. Our professional guides will assist you in making this a most memorable goose hunt. Our specialty is giant Canada goose hunting, but the area is abundant with mallards and a number of other waterfowl.
Learn more about Mazonia Hunt Club

NILO duck shoots are supervised by two people: a dog handler, and the manager of the hunt. We use one or two retrievers to gather all crippled and dead ducks. Before the hunt begins, the manager explains the shoot and all safety rules. The duck hunters are then assigned to the blinds in pairs for freedom of movement. NILO blinds are of a high-sided construction hidden by corn stalks and positioned to add to the realism of the hunt. This design also restricts the direction of shooting and protects the hunters, guides and dogs. Trees located around the duck flighting area also add to the challenge of the shoot.
Learn more about Nilo Farms

Our waterfowl hunts, are growing in popularity every year and will
provide excitement for the whole family. Rack & Wing took off in 1997 when the farm was seeded down to native
prairie grass. Being a life long farmer and an avid outdoors man, great
values are built into Rack & Wing. Friendship and honesty are our main
policies and goals. Rack & Wing is a year around hunt club. We have
almost everything you could need to have a great time through out the
Learn more about Rack & Wing

Waterfowl gunners flock to southern Illinois each fall when the Canada goose season opens. The Canada goose, snow goose, and white-fronted goose season is set by the Fish and Wildlife Service each year and recently it has been opening in late November. The majority of the Canada geese migrate into the area during late December.
Learn more about Rend Lake Hunting Preserve

Since 1949, the grounds of the Richmond Hunting Club, have been visited by thousands of local sportsmen. October 1st marks the beginning of hunting season when our members are anxious to get afield and get their hunting companion in shape for the upcoming season. We offer Ring-neck pheasant, chukar and Hungarian partridge, turkeys, Bob White quail, and duck shooting at its finest.
Learn more about Richmond Hunting Club

Upland hunting at the Seneca Hunt Club is fun and affordable for families, first timers and large groups. When you leave you will be smiling! At the Seneca Hunt Club, hunters can pursue a variety of different birds. We have goose and duck hunts. You can select any combination of birds to customize your hunting experience. Upland hunts can be done in different terrains from open meadows to wooded thickets and fence rows. Natural non-cropped fields are supplemented with plantings of various wildlife feed and cover which supports a strong resident population of game birds. Although we specialize in guided hunts, members can use their own dogs.
Learn more about Seneca Hunt Club

World-class Guided Snow Goose Hunting! All our hunts are offered at privately held locations around Lake Carlyle in South Central Illinois with over 1,000,000 geese passing through during spring migration.
Learn more about South Central Snows Outfitters

Developing and managing a world class hunt club is something few can achieve. We truly enjoy the entire experience and are incredibly proud of what we have built. The memories created here will last for generations.
Learn more about Starved Rock Game and Fish

For 12 years The Hunt Club has set aside an area over 2,900 acres for a waterfowl rest area on the western edge of the property in Randolph County. In addition, The Hunt Club has over 800 acres of deep water lakes which rarely freeze and are also used as refuge areas for our wintering waterfowl. In recent years, we have benefited from the addition of a Waterfowl Rest Area to Pyramid State Park which is just across a county road from our property in Perry County. Increasingly, Randolph and Perry Counties are holding the majority of geese and ducks migrating to Southern Illinois. The Hunt Club is in a prime position of offer quality hunts for the waterfowler looking for a duck or goose hunt that just might ring nostalgic of your very early days hunting with your Dad.
Learn more about The Hunt Club