South Carolina Waterfowl Hunting
Directory of 6 South Carolina Waterfowl hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in South Carolina.

We provide guided Sea Duck hunts in the Myrtle Beach, Pawleys Island, Georgetown area of South Carolina. Primarily taking Black Scoter, Surf Scoters, Scaup, Bufflehead and others
Learn more about Barrier Island Guide Service

Our 2,000+ acres of flooded timber and select waterfowl impoundments are home to some of the finest waterfowl hunting in the nation. Mallards, wood ducks, teal, and some divers make there winter flight through Black River Plantation. Prepare for a fast-paced and exciting waterfowl experience. Each waterfowl hunt is fully guided including decoying the birds. Only limited hunts available. Federal and State laws apply to bag limits. Also three wild boar per 3-day package (1 boar per day). We will waterfowl hunt the mornings and hog hunt the evenings. Package does not include meals or license.
Learn more about Black River Plantation

First and foremost, we hunt 100% wild migratory ducks. No pen-raised, released or toe clipped mallards to be had here. Avise Bands is the name of our game.. We hunt on a first booked, first come basis as the migration allows us to. All of our hunts are guided. The normal ducks we harvest are Woodies, Mallards, Gadwall and Green Winged Teal. We only allow one group per duck hunt at Fork Plantation. The duck population controls the number of hunts per season. Guests usually arrive around 5:45 a.m. to check in, head to blind around 6:15 and hunt till 10:30 or 11:00. We cook breakfast in the blind at some point, depending on the activity.
Learn more about Fork Plantation

Duck shooting has become a favorite for Moree's Sportmans Preserve hunters. The first of two duck ponds has begun operation and is equipped with board walks and permanent blinds, all set in a picturesque southern wooded environment. Please contact the preserve for duck shooting details.
Learn more about Moree's Sportsmans Preserve

Duck hunting is better at River Bend. Here, there's no getting up before dawn to get to a blind. River Bend provides a hearty breakfast and will take you to the blinds at 9am. Due to River Bend's special permit, the only requirement is a S.C. Small Game License (for S.C. residents) or a Non-resident Shooting Preserve Permit (for non-residents). Duck hunting season begins November 1st and runs until March 1st.
Learn more about River Bend Sportsman's Resort

If you’re looking for high quality hunt in South Carolina, you’ve come to the right place. At Toney Creek Plantation we’ll give you the attention and personal service you’ll come to expect and enjoy. We offer the best in guided duck hunts. Enjoy a guided duck hunt with optional overnight cabin use. Come and experience the hunt of a lifetime with our Field Experienced Guides.
Learn more about Toney Creek Plantation