Texas Waterfowl Hunting
Directory of 59 Texas Waterfowl hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Texas.

It's hard to beat the excitement of a fun filled action packed brisk morning of Texas duck hunting. Most avid water Fowler's know that a good duck hunt depends on the alignment of several elements. Weather being one of the biggest variables that can determine the success of the hunt. Unfortunately we can not control the weather. But the availability of food and water to attract and hold migrating and wintering ducks are two very important elements that we do have control over. With the attraction of the water and food, knowledgeable and experience guides, comfortable and concealing blinds, well trained retrieving dogs any hunt could be a true mixed bag.
Learn more about First Shot Outfitters

Dove and Waterfowl. Strategically located in the central flyway, Greystone's intensively managed property attracts large numbers of mourning dove in September/October and numerous species of ducks during the late fall and winter. At times, up to 3,000 ducks roost on our lakes
Learn more about Greystone Castle Sporting Club

North Texas Duck Hunts From sitting in the flooded timber to standing in a sunflower field, this is what we live for. This isnt just a job or a hobby to us, wingshooting is a way of life. We hunt ducks in flooded timber, swamps, private lakes and wetlands all across Fannin Co. In addition to hunting duck in North TX we also hunt dove in all types of fields ranging from wheat to commercial sunflowers.
Learn more about Swamp Nasty Outfitters

Here at Top Gun Outfitters, we provide our clients with a first-class experience from arrival to departure. With access to excellent private hunting land and decades of experience between our guides, your hunt with Top Gun Outfitters will be one to remember! The spacious 4,250 sq ft lodge and expertly prepared meals ensure that your time in between hunts will be enjoyable. Our hunts are perfect for corporate retreats, bachelor parties, family vacations, or a trip with your friends.
Learn more about Top Gun Outfitters

Welcome to The 4 Robertson Ranch, a premier hunting destination in Jacksboro, Texas. The 4 Robertson Ranch is 1100 acres of woods, springs, rock cliffs and over a mile of the West Fork Trinity River dedicated to hunting and fishing. We offer a number of species for your pleasure such as Aoudad, Axis, Blackbuck, Dove, Duck, Gemsbok, Mouflon, Turkey, Whitetail and Wild Hog.
Learn more about 4 Robertson Ranch

The ducks love the 4P. The ranch is located in East Texas between Texarkana and Mt Pleasant. We offer exotic bow hunting, duck hunts, fishing and camping. 4P is unique to other hunting ranches because we offer a large variety of different hunts and have something to fit anyone’s budget. It was a dream come true to be able to open up this operation, and we would love to make your hunting dreams come true as well.
Learn more about 4P Hunting Ranch

An Avian Skies Prairie Duck Hunt or Avian Skies Combo Hunt includes a fully guided morning hunt on private land out of a well-manicured blind, all decoys and equipment necessary, ATV ride to and from the blind, complementary ice cold bottled drinking water, complementary hot coffee.
Learn more about Avian Skies

The Bar H is licensed as a Texas Parks and Wildlife Private Bird Hunting Area. We cater to hunters on over 6,000 acres of rangeland, offering land and water fowl, deer, wild hog and some of the best bird hunting in the region.
Learn more about Bar H Dude Ranch

MORNING GOOSE & CRANE HUNTS WITH OUR TEXAS GOOSE GUIDES. Our morning hunt for geese and cranes begins at our lodge in Midfield, Tx. The morning begins with a wake up call at 3:30 to 4:00 a.m. In the lodge dining room you will be served a continental breakfast and introduced to your guide, who will give you information on field conditions that were gathered the previous day. From there you will follow your guide to the field that was selected the day before for the best possible hunting experience. Upon arriving at the field, the guide and party set out a spread consisting of sillosocks, full body decoys and/or shell decoys
Learn more about Bay Prairie Outfitters & Lodge

The majority of our hunting is in peanut, milo, and wheat fields within easy reach of Lubbock. There is a lack of hunting pressure here that you won't see in other areas of Texas--that's why the hunting is consistent even to the end of the season. Blackfoot uses qualified guides which greatly increase your chances for a successful and memorable hunt. Our hunting is done over silhouettes and full bodies with the hunt lasting until noon or limits are reached.
Learn more about Blackfoot Guide Service

The lake at Blue Roan Bend is a private, 280-acre lake and one of the largest in Texas. It’s location near the Lissie, Garwood and Eagle Lake flyway makes it a top destination for duck hunters. Garwood, TX, just 5 miles away, is a rice farming community that becomes prime feeding grounds for migrating ducks every year. Eagle Lake is located 12 miles away and has been named the Goose Hunting Capital of Texas. We are literally right in the middle of all the action!
Learn more about Blue Roan Bend Outfitters

Located in the heart of the Rolling Plains flyway, our Circle Bar Ranch Duck Hunting provides a great way to experience excellent wing shooting. We typically hunt over numerous well scouted ranch tanks/ponds from heated duck blinds. Experienced water fowl guides and trained gun dogs round out the overall waterfowl adventure. We usually offer hunts that require no long walks or heavy waders.
Learn more about Circle Bar Ranch

We have over 40,000 acres of hunting property within a one-hour drive from Houston. Located both east and southwest of town, these ranches are managed specifically for waterfowl hunting and include flooded rice fields, reservoirs, marsh and flooded timber. All hunts are fully guided including guide, dogs, decoys and transportation to/from first class blinds. Goose hunts are 'field hunts' using large white spreads on rice, corn, winter wheat or plowed fields that are scouted daily to ensure success. We provide white parkas and coffin blinds for your convenience and comfort. Bird processing and lodging is available upon request.
Learn more about Circle H Outfitters

Coastal Prairie Outdoors guided duck hunting takes place on the El Campo, Eagle Lake, and Katy Prairies, as well as the Brazos, Colorado, and Navasota River Bottoms. Prairie hunts take place on large bodies of flooded agriculture fields. These locations are from 5 to 50 acres of flooded rice, milo, beans, corn, millet, or prairie grasses that are a great food source for wintering waterfowl. The river bottom hunting consists of natural flats of flooded acorns, pecans, hog pecans, duckweed, widgeon grass, and smart weed.
Learn more about Coastal Prairie Outdoors

We offers some of the finest guided duck hunts in Texas. Our experienced guides will provide the knowledge and know-how to make your Texas Duck Hunting trip exciting! Morning duck hunts take place in freshwater ponds and marshes. These are either in inland pockets of saltwater marsh or on ponds in leased fields. The blinds are constructed as above ground blinds, pit blinds, or haybale blinds. The number and type of decoys used will vary greatly depending on the size of the area being hunted and conditions that particular day. Species include mallards, widgeon, teal, gadwall, pintails and mottled duck.
Learn more about Coastal Wings

All of us associated with CWO are avid outdoorsmen who strive to provide the ultimate hunting experience available to our clients. Our success in the field is due to our dedication to provide our clients with the best hunt possible. We do a large variety of guided hunts so check out the site and see what fits your group. We specialize in: Texas Pheasant hunting, Texas Goose Hunting, Texas Deer Hunting, Texas Duck Hunting, Texas Turkey Hunting, Texas Quail Hunting, Sand Hill Crane Hunting, Texas Dove hunting, Texas Dove Leases, Predator Hunting, and Texas Hog Hunting.
Learn more about Crooked Wing Outfitters

We have a variety of waterfowl hunting packages that you can choose. Since we have so many qualified guides, we can also accommodate large groups hunting in multiple locations. If you have a group, give us a call about making arrangements for a private group hunt.
Learn more about Double JJ Outfitters

Big open saltwater bay hunts, freshwater lake hunts, brackish marsh hunts, and certain species to mount hunts.
Learn more about Duckdroppers Waterfowl Guides

We are a waterfowl guide service outfitting the Texas Panhandle for dove, ducks, geese, and pheasants.
Learn more about Feathered Skies Outfitters

Southeast Texas Gulf Coast is the wintering grounds for thousands of migrating geese such as Snows, Specklebellies, Lessor Canadians, and Ross Geese.
Learn more about Fin & Fowl Outfitters, Inc.

Final Descent offers some of the best duck & goose hunting around. We hunt privately owned lakes and ponds around the Lubbock area. Our Ducks in this area start migrating through the area around October going all the way through January. We have very many different species of ducks, most common being, Mallard, Pintail, Teal, Wigeon, and along with some of the divers - Redheads and Canvasbacks. You will need Waders for this type of hunt, along with full camo. Some areas that we hunt, we will be able to use layout blinds. Other times, we will have to wade out into the water.
Learn more about Final Descent Guide Services

EXPERIENCE THE THRILL OF DUCK HUNTING North Texas style with Dan Mikals and his faithful four legged sidekicks Roxy & Blaze from Four Curl Nation Duck Hunting Guide Service servicing the greater Dallas Forth Worth and surrounding cities. 90% of the duck hunting is right at the waters edge with the duck hunters concealed by utilizing layout blinds. This will literally allow for "ducks in your face, fast action." If you think your heart can stand it, give us a call and get on the books now. North Texas Duck Hunts are a must for your hunting bucket list.
Learn more about Four Curl Nation Guide Service

We offer Premier Guided hunts in the West Texas Panhandle Region for Sandhill Crane, Goose, Duck, Dove, Pigeon, Prairie Dog & Predator Hunts based out of Lubbock, Texas
Learn more about Full Throttle Outdoors

All of our hunts utilize qualified experienced guides that scout the fields before the hunting is done to ensure you the best possible results for the following morning. Your experience will make you want to come back to Garwood Hunting Club for another great outing.
Learn more about Garwood Hunting Club

Here at Hidden Lakes, our number one goal is to give you the ultimate hunting experience. To do this, we have left all the natural grasses and cover on Hidden Lakes. The scattered trees, bare patches and grown-up fence rolls make excellent cover for the birds. We have also planted 18 miles of sorghum in the 30-foot-wide strip to provide excellent cover and food for the birds once they are released here at hidden lakes. We have four different hunting fields which provide hunters a diverse hunting experience and provides safety by keeping hunters separated.
Learn more about Hidden Lakes Hunting Resort

We have been providing waterfowl hunts and lodging options in Anahuac/Winnie, Texas and in the Bay City, Texas area since 1992. We have freshwater marsh, saltwater marsh, rice fields, and millet fields for duck and goose hunting. We also have lodging and food at both locations with dove hunting and saltwater fishing as well. All of our hunts are guided hunts only and we dont mix parties. We also offer hunts in Canada and South America for dove, waterfowl, perdiz, and pigeons.
Learn more about Jason Catchings Hunting and Fishing Adventures LLC

Waterfowl hunts focus on ducks and geese. Hunters also have the option of sandhill cranes. We require a minimum of 3 persons to book a waterfowl hunt, but will do our best to "fill in" if needed. Our current packages are as follows. This hunt includes: 2 days of hunting, 1 night stay at KFR, Meals, 1 fully guided morning waterfowl hunt and an afternoon dove hunt (if in season) or skeet shoot.
Learn more about Knolle Farm & Ranch

We have some of the best waterfowl hunting in all of Texas! When you tie in all the comforts of home on your trip with us, well, we know we just can't be beat. Come see for yourself. With many different packages to suit your needs, we are sure you will have the hunt of your life.
Learn more about Krooked River Ranch Outfitters

For 25 years Laguna Outfitters has offered world class guided hunting experiences. It is owned and operated by Chase Holland. Chase has been hunting since he was 3 years old and began his career as a full-time guide in 1990. Laguna Outfitters specializes in high end day hunts corporate entertainment, private club leasing, and we also offer exclusive club memberships. We offer many services including waterfowl, upland bird, alligator hunts, as well as offshore and inshore fishing trips. Laguna Outfitters has 60,000 acres of some of the best duck & goose hunting in the great state of Arkansas as well as numerous prime spots on coast of Texas.
Learn more about Laguna Outfitters

Conducted over white spreads, various decoys, Texas rags or Windsocks used. Decoys are determined by the guides each day depending on conditions and recent goose activity. Typically field hunting. Parties normally consisting of six to seven hunters. It's not uncommon to bag pintails, teal, and mallards while hunting from white spreads.
Learn more about Larry Gore's Eagle Lake & Katy Prairie Outfitters

We are located in the Texas panhandle in a little town by the name of Panhandle, about 30 miles northeast of Amarillo. The Panhandle area offers a world of hunting, with large varieties of terrains and game. You'll have your choice between antelope, whitetail and mule deer, quail, ducks, pheasant and turkey. We are located in a central flyway which gives us the opportunity to have some of the best waterfowl hunts in the country. We also have the ability to control our pheasant, quail, and chucker populations. We provide private bird hunting areas which allow us to hunt year-round with no bag limit. We control populations to insure plenty of hunting and guaranteed results. Non-Texas residents will only have to purchase an inexpensive Private Bird Area license.
Learn more about Leland Outfitters

We have some of the best Waterfowl / Duck Hunting spots in Texas. We have Flooded Timber and lots of Wetlands that holds tons of Wintering Waterfowl all season long. Our land is private property. So your not fighting other hunters for that premier hunting spot. Our wetlands are in Rice, Texas between Ennis and Corsicana, Texas. We also have Dove Hunting. If you’re looking for a Texas Style waterfowl or dove hunt near the Dallas/Ft Worth area, please give us a call.
Learn more about Lone Star Fowl Boys

Lone Star Guide Service offers guided saltwater fishing trips to Baffin Bay and Rockport, Texas area bays for trout, redfish and drum. Wade or drift, live or artificial. Anglers and hunters of any age and experience are welcome. Lone star guide service offers guided hunts for Whitetail deer, Nilgai, Quail, Turkey, Dove, Duck, Hog and Javelina on prime Texas and Mexico Ranches.
Learn more about Lone Star Guide Service

lone star outfitters has been in business since 2000 we strive to have the best aminitys available for the customer. We have several thousand acres of prime water fowl habitat that stretches from anahuac tx to nome tx. Consisting of salt marsh and rice fields we do not over hunt so we normally hold a great number of birds. We have big pit blinds that are perfect for a corporate hunt are just a big family outing lodging Is available upon request. Call George to book your hunt
Learn more about Lone Star Outfitters

YOU need to come duck hunt with us here at LONE STAR WATERFOWL. We are not some here today and GONE tomorrow guide service or someone looking to make a few extra bucks at your expense. Captain Bobby, is USCG & TPWD licensed and insured Guide, not like others out there illegally trying to make a few extra bucks. WE, at Lone Star Waterfowl Guide Service strive to provide YOU with the best duck hunt we can provide, with the best equipment, decoys and EXPERIENCE in the Corpus Christi, Texas area. This is not just duck hunting to us…it is our PASSION that we extend to MY customers. Guided duck hunts in Corpus Christi is what we have been doing for many years and plan to be here for many more years and we will be here to answer any of your questions.
Learn more about Lone Star Waterfowl

Find out what savvy hunters already know…. The Texas High Plains provides a rich environment for exciting and challenging upland game bird, waterfowl, and dove hunting. Join Lone Star Pheasant’s professional and our accommodating staff for a hunting experience you will not soon forget. Lone Star offers preserve pheasant hunts and state season pheasant hunts. Our season is Oct 1 through Mar 31.
Learn more about Lonestar Outfitters

Oxferd Outfitter waterfowl hunts in North Texas has an amazing migratory Flyway with several species of ducks such as wood ducks, blue Wing teal, green-winged teal, shoveler, Canvasback, redhead, pintail, mallards, Gadwall, widgeons, spoonbill, Hooded Merganser, and many more. We hunt over ponds and creeks out of blinds and with decoy spreads. We specialize in both small groups and corporate groups.
Learn more about Oxferd Outfitter

Our Guided Day Hunts are exciting and memorable! For your Guided Day Hunt, your guide will meet you each morning and you will follow him to the pre-scouted field. Your guide, along with the help of the hunting party, will set out the spread. After our Guided Day Hunt, the guide will tag and take your geese, ducks, waterfowls, etc., to the local picking house (we will run a tab for the duration of your stay) and the birds can be stored in our freezers until your departure.
Learn more about Paradise Hunting Club

Pipe Creek Ranch has an abundant supply of white tail deer, wild boar, wild turkeys, ducks, and dove. With 17 miles of game fence, the deer herd has been under a managed program for decades. We offer limited hog and turkey hunts while staying at the Lodge. Contact us for more information.
Learn more about Pipe Creek Ranch

All of our duck hunts are with knowledgeable and experienced guides, most of them have their own well trained retrievers. Duck hunts can be done out of either dry and comfortable conventional blinds or we go to where the birds and utilize portable blinds and marsh stools. Of course the client can let us know if they have a preference or special needs. On most hunts decoys are already in place and ready, we just drop you at the blind and start your hunt!
Learn more about Pipkin Ranch Outfitters

Port Bay Club is a family orientated hunting, fishing and outdoors club. Owned and operated by its 100 member / owners. It offers a break from modern life and allows members to enjoy a slower pace. After a long day hunting or fishing, sit back and relax by our large community style fire pit located only 100 yards from the bay on our 1600 square foot patio. Or take in a breathtaking sunset from the deck of our 2500 square foot /20 foot high observation and recreational facility overlooking Copano bay. With only 100 full time members, access is never an issue. “Port bay”, as it is usually known by our members, is nestled in some of the most pristine hunting and fishing habitats in the central gulf coast. Rarely has this Mecca for hunting and fishing disappointed outdoors-men & women for the last 100 years.
Learn more about Port Bay Club

Rocking L Outfitters provides exceptional wing shooting for numerous species of ducks. Our seasoned professional guides will provide the knowledge and skills to fill your bag limit and make your trip exciting. Hunts take place on prime duck ponds, reservoirs, and marshland, in the Katy, Brookshire, Sealy, Eagle Lake, and coastal areas. We hunt form pit blinds sunk in the ground, traditional duck blinds above ground, and coffin type layout blinds as well as using natural cover on the ground. Upon meeting your guide in the morning, he will discuss the plans for the day's hunt. Your party will follow the guide to the location, and assist in putting the decoys out. Our decoy spreads vary in numbers and style depending on location and weather conditions. Upon completion of a successful hunt or before noon, we will pick up decoys and all trash. The species of ducks you can expect are Pintails, Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, Mottled duck, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, Shoveler, Redhead, Wood duck, Fulvous tree duck, Black-bellied tree duck, Canvasback, and Scaup.
Learn more about Rocking L Outfitters

We offer fully guided Texas goose hunting and Texas duck hunting as well as sandhill crane hunting. Haskell county is a waterfowl hunters dream. This area is one of the first stopping points for all migrating waterfowl. Thousands of acres of peanut fields, wheat, and Maize keep the ducks and geese well fed. Normally, hundreds of thousands of lesser Canada geese call this county home during the months of November through February.
Learn more about Roewe Outfitters

Personal attention, experienced dogs, and top-notch professional Texas guides you can expect all of these things and more when you hunt or fish at Rough Creek Lodge and Resort. Duck, Deer, Turkey, Quail, Chukar and Pheasant abound on our 11,000 of acres of prime hunting land, making Rough Creek one of Texas’ premier hunting destinations. We now offer exotics—including Axis Deer, Blackbuck Antelope, Fallow Deer, Corsican Rams, Black Hawaiian Rams; Trophy White-Tailed Deer and Wild Hogs.
Learn more about Rough Creek Lodge

Duck hunting in our area is always a popular past time. Rich wetlands habitat stretches from our bay systems through the marshes up to the agricultural prairies of Southeast Texas. The Scendero Ranch is primarily set up for upland bird hunting but we do have a limited amount of water on the ranch to duck hunt. Hunters looking to duck hunt with us need not worry about having birds. Scendero Outfitters is proud to have an alliance with Pipkin Ranch Outfitters. You may book your duck hunt directly with them or checkout our packages and pricing for lodging and combo hunts by visiting our pricing page. Duck hunters are required to have a valid Texas hunting license including both the Federal and State Duck Stamps. Steel shot is required. Hunters are encouraged to bring waterproof camouflage clothing and hip waders are recommended.
Learn more about Scendero Outfitters

Located in Knox, Haskell, and King Counties of north central Texas. Stanfield Outfitters is family owned and operated, offering you the utmost in customer service, and world Class guided goose hunting, hog hunting, pheasant hunting, dove hunting, duck hunting, quail hunting, deer hunting and turkey hunting.
Learn more about Stanfield Hunting Outfitters

It's one of those secrets you tell to only your very good friends. It's waterfowling in the Texas Panhandle with Straight Line Outfitters. In the Panhandle area we winter from 150,000 to 250,000 geese with the majority being Short Prairie Grass Canadas and a growing population of Snow, Blues and Ross geese. Our duck population is another well kept secret. We have Mallard, Pintail, Greenwing Teal and Weidgon. Take advantage of the situation and join us for the hunt of a lifetime, one you can tell stories about.
Learn more about Straight Line Outfitters

At Texas Prairie Outfitters, we treat our customers the way that we would want to be treated. We pride ourselves on individual attention. That commitment and personal attention is what makes us unique. Lets face it, we can't guarantee what the birds are going to do. But we do guarantee our service and effort. At Texas Prairie Outfitters, we are the people you would want to deal with in the outfitting business. We want you to come back and will do what it takes to keep you smiling.
Learn more about Texas Prairie Outfitters

Waterfowl hunting in the El Campo and Sealy area can be some of the best hunting in the country, you can expect a very diverse shooting experience. Shooting Pintails, Teal, Wideon, Gadwalls, Wood ducks, Mallards, Shovelers, Red Heads, and Canvasbacks are all possible in one hunt in the "Texas Bag". We generally meet in the morning and caravan out to the hunting site, where we take an ATV to the blind and prepare for the morning hunt.
Learn more about Texas Wildlife and Land Management

One day hunts (arrive the night prior, hunt in the AM), lodging meals, guides, dogs, decoys, processed birds $415/person. Two day hunt, same inclusions, $795/person. 2 day teal hunts are $595/person
Learn more about The BigWoods on the Trinity

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WingSport Offer's Duck Hunts within 1hr of Dallas and Fort Worth in North Texas! We hunt both private and public waters because we hunt where the birds want to be. This means that we continuously scout for the birds and use our extensive network of field scouts for the latest reports. We can put you and your party on the birds (duck's) and don't hunt the same location consecutive days. We hunt numerous private lakes and ponds that hold bird year after year. In addition we provide a combination of permanent and movable blinds that are maintained and brushed up to blend into the local cover.
Learn more about The WingSport Depot

Everyone has heard about the West Coast and the East Coast, but if you are serious about your waterfowl hunting, you need to find out about the Third Coast, the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Goose hunting is our specialty, but we also offer duck, dove, crane, and quail hunts. Hunts take place on over 30,000 acres of private land in the famed Rice Belt of Texas! Afternoon duck hunts take place on the majestic Matagorda Bay where thousands of ducks winter every season. We offer a variety of goose and duck guided hunts and can customize the perfect adventure including corporate groups.
Learn more about Third Coast Outfitters